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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)

Tao Sattalung and Trimek

Tossagun reach a dead end, he send a messenger ask for help from "King Sattalung". A friend and ruler of Jakravarn city. And "Trimek", son of Trisean who is Tossagun's younger brother.

Two giants warlord shout a battlecry, marching into the battlefield. PhraRahm and PhraRak launch the attack. Tao Sattalung throw a lance, killing many monkey troops. And Trimek riding a mad elephant, crushing monkey to dead all the way.

Sukreep jump, climb upon the elephant's tusk fighting with Trimek. Hanuman jump into a battlecart fighting with Tao Sattalung. And with power, Sukreep break it's neck send an elephant to it's dead. While Hanuman stomp the enemy's battlecart into pieces.

Tao Sattalung and Trimek standing side by side, firing arrows together. PhraRahm and PhraRak parrying the shot upon the air, hit right on both giants causing pain all over their bodies.

Tao Sattalung fire a rain of weapons. Trimek fire a flaming shot burning monkey troops.

PhraRak fire a blessing rain shot to extinguish a fire and the arrow continue to slay all giant soldiers to dead in a blink of an eyes.

PhraRahm's arrow soaring through the wind, destroying the rain of weapons and pierce right at Tao Sattalung to death.

Trimek trembling with fear of death, flee through earth seeking refuge with PhyaGalnaga, ruler of the underworld. But the Naga king fear that danger could approach him.

He advise Trimek to hide inside the sand at the buttom of the ocean close by mount.universe.

Hanuman dive through the earth, hunting down Trimek following Pipek's advise. A great monkey use his tail torturing the Naga king until it confess the whereabout of a giant.

And then Hanuman enlarge himself covering the sky. Use his large hands dig up the sand, searching for the enemy. Trimek is panic, flee away from the grain of sand. Hanuman catch him right on, send a giant to death with a powerful trident.

King Sattasul and Virhunjumbang's battle

Tossagun mourn for King Sattalung and Trimek upon his throne for a long time, thinking of a plan to win this war.

And the giant king remember one ceremony which able to harden his skin as strong as diamond, strong enough to withstand against all sources of weapons. A power of when he point his finger at any living soul, death bestow upon them. His men will be toughened and can not be killed.

Tossagun journey into a cave under mount Ninlaga. Take down a large rock to cover the entrance, recite a mantras to seal the stone so no one can lift it.

A giant king sit still, close his eyes with mindfulness. Reciting a mantras.

Pipek ask monkey generals to stop the ceremony before it's too late. Hanuman become invisible, slip inside the palace. Asking for a water which use to clean a feet from Banjagai.

And then use a feet's water to stain the rock blocking the entrance to break the spells. When monkey generals have open the cave. They see Tossagun sit in meditation. Even they try to attack, a giant king did not strike back. Tossagun focusing his mind, deep in meditation. To complete the ceremony.

Hanuman come up with a plan, cloak himself with invisibility spell and fly back to Lhonggar. Put a sleep spell over Montoh and kidnap her to a cave and then assaulting her infront of Tossagun. When Montoh regain consciousness, she screaming out loud.

Tossagun lost it, can not continue focusing on his ceremony. Jump right into the fight to protect his queen. Three monkey warlords have completed their mission. Mocking a giant king and then fly back return to their camp.

Tossagun assemble a war council. Giant generals suggest to ask "Tao Sattasul" ruler of Asadhong and "Virhunjumbang" a son of PhyaTooth to help. Both giants have strong magical power. They could bring victory to this war.

Pipek advise that Tao Sattasul received the blessing of PhraPhrom to be able to call weapons grant by the god. Hanuman then take Aongkod and five hundreds monkey troops over the path toward Lhonggar and hid themself upon the cloud.

When Tao Sattasul's army has arrive. Hanuman disguised himself as a wild white monkey, jump right infront of the battlecart. Tricking a giant warlord to demonstrate his power..

"You said you are going to kill PhraRahm. I'm wondering how strong you're capable of to fight the two princes"


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