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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)

Tao Sattasul is an arrogant giant filled up with pride, being looked down by a little monkey set him on fire. Step into a trap without knowing, a giant calling weapons blessing by the Gods. All types of weapons then falling down from the sky. Aongkod and monkey soldiers which lie in waiting upon the cloud, once see the opportunity. They all dash in stealing all the weapons.

Without the force of arms. Hanuman grab Tao Sattasul. Slam him hard right on the ground. Draw out a trident, slash a giant warlord to death.

On the other side. A giant Virhunjumbang recite a spell cloaking himself invisible, both his body and horses dissapearing into a thin air. Not even a shadows.

Force his way into the center of monkey army, slain countless lives like a fallen leaf from the tree. Monkey troop only hear the sound of galloping throughout the battlefield when death grasp upon them without realize.

PhraRahm caught the movement of this invisible slayer. Firing a powerful shot, slain a giant's warhorses and giant troops all to death.

A giant warlord is in panic, recite a spell to his sash. Transform it into a dummy of himself and warhorses, and then hide. Flee toward mount argard.

Pipek inform of an enemy's trick. PhraRahm fire a diamond net to capture a dummy. And order Hanuman to catch Virhunjumbang.

Virhunjumbang escape to Mahanathi Sithandon river, hiding inside a bubble.

Hanuman's observing. There is but one bubble floating still, did not move by the flow of the river. He enlarge himself, fetch up this bubble within his palm.

Virhunjumbang instantly jump out of the bubble, hit Hanuman with a club, make him falling into the buttom a the river. Great monkey rise up, soaring upon the sky into a fierce fight. Steal a club from a giant and hit him right back.

Virhunjumbang is wounded, recite a spell to hide himself in a river basin. Hanuman then extend his tail, encircling the whole ocean.

Virhunjumbang struggle to survive but reach a dead end. All of sudden, tail of a white monkey fasten up around him and slam a giant hard to death by the mountain.


Tao Maleevarath's briefing.

Tossagun is in distress, because giant have loses all the battles. He want to make a curse, to cause PhraRahm's army to be destroyed. The person which holding such power of the absolute "word" to command fate is only "Tao Maleevarath" PhraPhrom, who is Tossagun's grandfather.

The giant king come out with a wicked plan. Ordering "Nonyavick" and "Vayuvek" to invite Tao Maleevarath to Lhonggar. Tao Maleevarath question for the root of the problem and learn that all this is from one woman. He want to help, to judge the cause and stop this war.

The parade of Tao Maleevarath is brilliantly beautiful, descending down like a god from heaven. With equity, he is waiting in the midst of battlefield. Invite PhraInn and all the gods to witness.

Tossagun accusing that when he was travel among the forest and have met Sida alone by herself. She have no parent and no husband. He feel pity on her, so he took her in to stay by Asok garden in Lhonggar. Later PhraRahm lead monkey's soldiers to attack Lhonggar, claim himself a husband of Sida. Ruthlessly slain giant's tribe with no mercy.

Tao Maleevarath can not listen to just one side of the story. He invite PhraRahm for questions. And order PhraVishnugrum(Blacksmith god) to bring Sida to testify as well.

Sida riding upon a floating throne busabok and arrive infront of Tao Maleevarath. Pray upon his feet and PhraRahm. Tear flow out with suffering.

Tao Maleevarath then ask her to tell of her root and how she got to Lhonggar.

The truth is always the truth. Sida mentioned everything exact the same as PhraRahm. PhraInn and all the gods admit and assure that it is the truth.

Tossagun have no way out to dispute. Accusing Sida on taking side with PhraRahm for she fall for his charm and being the same race of human. Or any gods could whispering, influence her to speak.

When everything has clarify. Tao Maleevarath known that Tossagun is guilty. He asking him to return Sida back to PhrRahm.

But Tossagun is boil with anger. Declare to fight until death. He will not return Sida.

Tao Maleevarath then make a judgement with his power to command fate. Sentencing Tossagun to lose the war and die by an arrow of PhraRahm.

And send Sida back to asok garden, a bussabok throne flying through the sky. Sida and PhraRahm never take an eyes out of each others to the end.

Tossagun is very angry at Tao Maleevarath. Walk back to his cart, fly back to Lhonggar. Without praying respect and goodbye.


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