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Info > The Life of Ramagean

Legend of Somdej Phra Puttajarn To Promransri, Thailand

The Life of Rama (Ramagean)


Binlapat Spear.

When arrive at Lhonggar. Tossagun order to setup a fire ritual at acid sand beach by Meru mountain. And a giant king dressed himself in red, holding and worshipping the Binlapat spear. A great spear of the god, granted by Shiva the god king to his father, Tao(King) Lustian.

Tossagun reciting mantras. The flame brazing strong. Bring red clay of the earth from seven rivers, sculpt into statues of the gods who are witness for Tao Maleevarath. Then throw their statues into the flame.

When he complete reciting the mantras one thousand times. Binlapat spear will empowered, enhance with an overwhelming force over the three worlds.

All gods and Shiva will come to an end. Doom to all of heavens.

The ritual conducted by a giant king is powerful and deadly dangerous. Causing troubles to gods and devas. The ritual can destroy all of heavens.

Shiva has order a divine god "Pali" to destroy the ceremony enhancing binlapat spear.

Son of heaven. A god Pali has return. Transforming himself back into a powerful monkey. Leading soldiers of heaven in monkey form, flying toward mount Meru. Breaking the spire of the mountain, throwing stones right at the ceremony's table.

Tossagun is shock and panic. How does Pali come back to life.

Giant king grab the spear, dash in for a fight. Pali fight back with a sword.

Tossagun losing half of his strength like everytime he fought with Pali. A giant can not withstand Pali's power. He flee back to Lhonggar.

A god Pali and follower deva help to extinguish the flame of the ceremony. Bring over god's statues to throw over at Sithandon river, to cleanse poisons of the flame. Heaven then return to normal.

Next day... Tossagun lead an army in purpose to kill Pipek once and for all. His twelve eyes searching for Pipek and found him upon the PhraRak's battlecart.

Tossagun throw binlapat spear with an immense power to finish Pipek. PhraRak dash in, try to block it off. But the spear is faster than he had imagined, it thrust right in PhraRak's chest. Make him fall off the battlecart.

Missing his target, yet still bring a satisfaction to Tossagun. PhraRahm has intercept, return a fire hit right at a giant king. Tossagun recite the spell, taking out arrows from his body. Order giant army to return to Lhonggar.

Pipek informing PhraRahm that he must find a potion before dawn to help PhraRak, and use a medicine mortar kept by PhyaGalnaga, a naga king ruler of the underworld. For a magical stone which use to grind the medicine. Tossagun using it as a pillow.

Receive an order from PhraRahm. Hanuman venture forth to gather ingredients to cook up the medicine. Herb Sagoranee. Herb Trichawa. Stool of divine cow Usuparath(*Nandi of Shiva).

By a short moment. Hanuman have gathered all of ingredients. Son of the wind god then dive down through earth to take mortar from the underworld and then continue to Lhonggar.

Hanuman cast a sleep spell to all over Lhonggar and break the spire of Tossaagun's throne room and toss it away.

Hanuman has arrive at a bedroom, wanting to kill a giant king but fear of disobey an order. He then plan to disgrace Tossagun while he's sleeping.

Monkey general tie their hairs together, curse on it for there will be no one able to untie their hairs. And craft the spells at Tossagun's forehead. To free of the curse. Montoh have to slap on Tossagun's head three times.

When wake up. Montoh is shocking, say she would rather die than to slap her husband's head. Tossagun tell her to do it.

After Hanuman has retrieve the magical grind stone to cook up the medicine, he return to the battlefield. Pipek chant the mantras, release the curse of binlapat spear. Heal the wound. PhraRak has recovered.



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